Balcony City
Shlomit Ariel
Artist and print designer, mixing traditional crafts and modern print techniques to tell intimate stories about humanity and bring on the DIY independant print revolution.
Eats patterns for breakfast.
(Stay) Home
Eden Jano
This artist was an "image-maker."
She was around 25 years old, living with her partner at Tel Aviv, Israel.
Her artistic act was - to create a set and document it in humorous and sometimes disturbing ways.

Memories Culture History
Dor Asaf
Caucasian illustrator and textile print designer losing her naive nostalgic experience of growing up in Africa. While she is designing prints and using Nigerian culture as a source for style she is finding herself asking - does she have the right to do that? Is it an appropriation ? but she cannot resist the passion for those colors and motives which are so vivid in her memory.
For her, history, culture and nostalgia are an origin for a contemporary-social position.
My Collective Auto-Biography
Netta Ben-Moshe
I’m a textile designer, who choose to sew and embroider a mini-autobiography, and pass it on. The main Principles of my work are minimalism, and documentation in the hebrew language.

Zel Al Arabs
Areen Matanes
An artist by soul, passion for design in the heart and a never asking questions regarding to today’s society.
Textile designer that does not limit her exploration or the tools/ craft that are used in the projects.
Seeks concepts from daily life basis with a twist, post modern influence, pop-art, and mass production with a personal statement.
Antifa.ce Masks
Mijhal Bubis
I draw inspiration from my family’s experiences under the military dictatorship in Argentina and my personal experience and political views. I translate these into the shape of my hopes for the future.
While understanding that the ultimate usage of my work will be up to the users’ judgement, I wish to make it as accessible as possible to people with good intentions.
“I refuse to die until things get better and that is a threat.”

Rosh Hahokara
Shoval Arbiv
I am 25 years old, today I finished my third year in the textile design track at Shenkar College.
My main occupation during the degree and as a designer in general is to make the dirty and the ugly beautiful. Most of my inspiration comes from garages, mechanics, roads, walls, different types of materials that are called dirty, even corrosion, and turn them into a unique design that connects pleasantly and right to the eye.
As a student who came from the periphery with no prior knowledge, Shankar trained me for the confidence I have today, to create, transform, cause, dare, share and say no to new opportunities and certainly not to materials laid out for free there in the little corner of the street.
Keep Distance
Reuma Moses
Rona aged 30, designer and a collagist, living in ramat gan with her boyfriend.
Functioning within the rules imposed on us in this time of corona and trying to preserve her personal space in this period of social distancing.
Creating imagenary images to a alternative reality. Developing pesonal theraputic tools which undergo a transformation in the design stages for people with similar feeling.

Open Closet
Hila Pochatshevsky
26 years old Designer from Tel-Aviv.
Active in protests against government corruption, fast fashion, over consumption.
Hila believes that design is an action that arouses consciousness and change. She’s an entrepreneur that examines leading a new routes for a social economy, environmentalism, critical thinking and raising questions about the industry in the socio-political matter.
Eti Feldman
The design chameleon is an outworldly creature, who usually likes to be referred to as female.
She is sensitive towards the well being of the people that surround her,
especially twards their mental state.
She uses her education as a textile designer to revive her multiple personalities;
every time she starts working on a new project,
she takes it to the extreme and transforms into an identity that is adhering to the project.
When she was a younger chameleon she used her personal experiences
in order to tell her own story and as she grew up she started using them in order to relate to others. After a while, she noticed that her abilities allowed her to create a positive effect on others.
She became an humanist, known for using her design skills in order to change the world
into a more accessible place to live in.
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